calendar>>September 5. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Glorifying DPRK as Power of Talents
Pyongyang, September 5 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Monday dedicates an editorial to the 39th anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's work "Theses on Socialist Education". It calls for glorifying forever the DPRK as an icon of education and a power of talents.

It goes on:

Glorifying the DPRK as a power of talents is the work for carrying out the behests of the great leaders to add shine to their idea of prioritizing the education and their exploits, the work for upholding the Party policies and an important work for building a powerful socialist country as required by the age of knowledge-based economy.

It is, at the same time, a struggle to bring into full bloom the love of Marshal Kim Jong Un for the younger generation and the people across the country and give fuller play to the vitality of the most advantageous socialist educational system in the world.

The present era is the age of knowledge-based economy in which science and technology play a leading role in the social development and the one of prioritizing talents in which talents decide the national power and the development of economy and culture.

The building of a scientific and technological and economic power, highly civilized power as required by the age of knowledge-based economy does not pose as a problem and it is possible to achieve sustained development and prosperity in all fields if the country has just a large contingent of talents.

All officials and educators should bear in mind the Party's noble idea of prioritizing the younger generation and education, turn the country into a power of talents under the uplifted banner of creating the Mallima speed and thus make hurrah for the Workers' Party and socialism resound far and wide across the country.

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