calendar>>September 5. 2016 Juche 105
Uruguayan Political Party Exposes S. Korean Authorities' Crimes against Humanity
Pyongyang, September 5 (KCNA) -- The March 26 Movement of Uruguay posted an article exposing the south Korean authorities' crimes against humanity on its website on August 29.

At a time when the Western media are resorting to accusations and false propaganda against the DPRK, it has been disclosed that concentration camps not opened to public exist in south Korea, the article said, and went on:

Even progressive activists and children with disabilities are forced to do labor in these concentration camps.

A medium reported that such concentration camps have existed in south Korea since the 1970s but have not yet been opened to public.

Shortly ago, tombs were discovered where bodies of people who were forced to do labor, until they were beaten to death, were buried.

There were in the tombs bodies of persons with disabilities, progressive activists, wandering women, workers and abductees.

Posted on the website were photos of children who are detained at the concentration camps and bodies which were discovered in the tombs.

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