calendar>>September 3. 2016 Juche 105
Loving Care of Great Men Shown for Unconverted Long-term Prisoners
Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- Sixteen years has passed since the unconverted long-term prisoners returned to the DPRK.

After taking Ri In Mo, an incarnation of faith and will, back home, leader Kim Jong Il had given on tens of occasions an instruction that the pro-reunification patriots should be brought back from south Korea.

He saw to it that the DPRK measure committee for rescuing unconverted long-term prisoners in south Korea was formed on March 24, Juche 83 (1994) and took a series of steps to make the issue of unconverted long-term prisoners a focus of the world public attention.

In June 2000 the leader made sure that the repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners was specified as a major item in the North-South Joint Declaration.

When 63 unconverted long-term prisoners came back home early in September 2000, he took measures to hold welcome ceremonies and confer on them such state citations as the title of DPRK Hero.

In his lifetime, Kim Jong Il had cared so much even for their living.

Under his care, they got married in Pyongyang and underwent intensive health treatment. As some of them passed away, he saw to it that their remains were buried in the Sinmi-ri Patriotic Martyrs Cemetery.

Kim Jong Il's warm love for those pro-reunification patriots is still going on under the deep care of supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

Kim Jong Un invited them to the celebrations of the 100th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung, the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea and many other national events and had a photo session with them.

He also made sure that they could take part in various national exhibitions to display their skills in painting and writing.

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