calendar>>August 23. 2016 Juche 105
U.S.-S. Korea Joint Military Drill Targeting North Slammed in S. Korea
Pyongyang, August 23 (KCNA) -- Bodies in Pusan and South Kyongsang Province, south Korea on Aug. 21 disclosed the danger of the joint military rehearsal targeting the north being staged by the U.S. and the puppet war maniacs, according to the south Korean internet newspaper OhmyNews.

The south Korean regime and the U.S. are describing the Ulji Freedom Guardian as an "annual drill for defense" but it is clearly aimed at a preemptive attack, they noted, and adding:

Such muscle flexing running counter to international law would provide only opportunity to the U.S. keen to build a triangular missile shield through the deployment of THAAD and cook up a military alliance and Japan seeking to stage a comeback to the Korean peninsula.

Such military pressures as large-scale military drill would not help solve the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsula, they noted, demanding a halt to their military exercises.

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