calendar>>August 23. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Ridicules Park Geun Hye Group's Talk about Efficiency of "Sanctions against DPRK"
Pyongyang, August 23 (KCNA) -- These days the south Korean puppet authorities are claiming as if their "sanctions against the north" were proving effective, inviting sneers from all people.

The Park Geun Hye group's vociferous talk about effectiveness of "sanctions" is nothing but fraud and red herring.

Now the world people including south Korean people admire the reality of the DPRK where its service personnel and people continue performing eye-opening miracles and innovations in socialist economic and cultural construction in the spirit of self-reliance and self-development despite the hostile forces' persistent moves to isolate and blockade the DPRK.

It is none other than the south Korean puppet authorities who were driven into a tight corner and quagmire owing to their "sanctions against the north".

The south Korean authorities totally shut down the Kaesong Industrial Zone, joining in the anti-DPRK "sanctions" of outside forces. Owing to this foolish action at least 6 000 businesses of south Korean including 124 others which had operated there were driven into the mire of bankruptcy and more than 124 000 workers lost their jobs.

According to the south Korean economic experts, direct and indirect damage done to south Korea by the collapse of north-south economic cooperation since the Park's regime emerged ran into about tens of billions of US dollars. South Korea has to shoulder the financial burden of 25 billion US dollars owing to the "shuttle diplomacy on pro-north countries".

The south Korean people carry on their protest actions, saying that "sanctions against the north lead to sanctions against the south" and "south Korean people are being exhausted due to Park Geun Hye."

Even a U.S. credit appreciation company and world biggest investment and banking company said that Park Geun Hye brought an exorbitant amount of damage in the economic field of south Korea and exercised a negative influence on creditability by shutting down the Kaesong Industrial Zone, urging foreigners to restrain investment in south Korea.

As seen above, the south Korean authorities' "unprecedented sanctions against the north" bring political and economic crisis to south Korea.

Nevertheless, the Park Geun Hye group is busy floating a false story in a bid to mislead public opinion at home and abroad. It is nothing but hordes of the worst swindlers and traitors in the world.

The south Korean authorities are sadly mistaken if they calculate they can cover up their miserable position and realize the ambition for escalating the confrontation with the compatriots in the north by spreading the above-said fiction.

Confrontation with the compatriots in the north only leads to treachery and self-destruction.

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