calendar>>August 23. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Accuses U.S. of Floating Story about "Provocation by North Korea"
Pyongyang, August 23 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson Tuesday in a commentary denounces the U.S. for wooing their subsidized media into frantically spreading the story about "provocation by north Korea."

They describe the self-defensive counter-measures of the DPRK to cope with threats to its sovereignty and vital rights of its people as "provocative ones" disturbing peace and stability in the region, the commentary says and goes on: This just reminds the intruder into other's house of dictating its master to sit calm and watch stealing.

The aim sought by the U.S. in labeling the DPRK as "provoker" is to provide an excuse for carrying out its aggressive strategy for dominating Asia-Pacific.

It is the real intention of the U.S. to meet the challenges of such big powers as China and Russia and steadily guarantee its strategic interests by holding its military hegemony in the region.

The situation on the Korean peninsula is tenser than ever before and it remains the biggest hotspot in the world despite the peace-loving efforts of the DPRK. This is entirely attributable to the U.S.

The U.S. would be well advised to bear in mind that the standoff with the DPRK, a strong nuclear power, is a dangerous gambling on destiny.

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