calendar>>August 22. 2016 Juche 105
Loving Care for People, Source of DPRK's Invincibility
Pyongyang, August 22 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of the DPRK, is a peerless patriot who has created a new history of national prosperity with his loving care for the people.

A year ago, when a touch-and-go situation prevailed over the Korean peninsula due to military provocations of the U.S. imperialists and south Korean puppet group, heavy rain claimed human losses and thousands of dwelling houses destroyed in Rason City.

At that time, Kim Jong Un wisely led the whole army and people to win a great victory in the confrontation with the enemies with his bold decision and outstanding strategic policies. Then he convened an enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) to take emergency measures for restoring the flood-stricken Rason City.

He saw to it that several units of the Korean People's Army were moved to the city for its restoration. And he visited there to guide the drive for recovery, noting that the people in the city had nothing to believe, but the Party in the adversity, its restoration could never be left in its administration and, therefore, he would personally bear the responsibility for it. Under his leadership, a miracle was worked in the restoration campaign, startling the world.

A foreigner, who was in Rason City for business, recalled that the terrible disaster made him feel it might take several years for the city to recover from the damage, but not long after, he saw new houses and villages springing up in different parts of the city, saying: I heard many times the Korean People's Army is a great army even the U.S. is afraid of, and I keenly felt it is true. It is a common practice to send army to damaged areas, but I saw for the first time in my life such a powerful army as the KPA who brought about a tremendous change at a fierce speed. There would be no such an army in the world. The DPRK is, indeed, a powerful country.

Now, the ardent loving care of Kim Jong Un for people serves as the source of the might of Songun and single-hearted unity in the DPRK.

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