calendar>>August 22. 2016 Juche 105
Congratulations to President of C.C., PLMA
Pyongyang, August 22 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) on Aug. 21 sent a congratulatory message to Jose Eduardo Dos Santos as regards the successful holding of the Seventh Congress of the Popular Liberation Movement of Angola (PLMA) and upon his reelection as president of the C.C., the PLMA at the congress.

The message said that his reelection as president of the C.C., the PLMA at its congress is an expression of high trust and expectation of all members of the PLMA and the Angolan people for him.

The WPK Central Committee expressed belief that the good relations of friendship and cooperation between the WPK and the PLMA forged in the joint struggle for independence against imperialism would grow stronger and wished him big success in his responsible work for strengthening the PLMA and achieving the independent development and prosperity of the country.

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