calendar>>August 22. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Bodies Demand Halt to Introduction of Weapons for Aggression
Pyongyang, August 22 (KCNA) -- The Action for Checking THAAD Deployment and the People for Achieving Peace and Reunification in south Korea on Aug. 19 staged an action demanding a halt to the introduction of weapons for aggression outside the building of the puppet Defense Ministry.

Speakers told a news conference that such high-ranking officers as the chief of staff of the U.S. Army and the secretary of the U.S. Navy flew into Seoul one after another.

The speakers disclosed that their junkets are aimed to step up the deployment of THAAD by calming down the growing public protest against the deployment and, at the same time, force south Korea to introduce SM-3 missiles.

At the end of the news conference, the bodies staged an action for peace and held a demo.

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