calendar>>August 22. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Raps S. Korean Puppet Group's Desperate Moves for THAAD Deployment
Pyongyang, August 22 (KCNA) -- South Korean puppet military bosses were closeted with the director of the Missile Defense Agency of the U.S. Defense Department and the chief of staff of the U.S. Army who visited south Korea recently to examine preparations for deploying THAAD. They described it as "cooperation" for coping with "threat from the north's missile" and "sympathy with explanation about security of THAAD".

Meanwhile, Han Min Gu, puppet defense minister, and his inferiors appeared in Songju County again in a bid to "examine the third suitable site" for THAAD deployment.

Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Monday says it is no more than a cynical ploy to introduce THAAD into south Korea at any cost despite the unanimous opposition and denunciation by the south Korean people.

The above-said disturbing developments in south Korea go to clearly prove that they are products of conspiracy and collusion between the master and his stooges to introduce THAAD into south Korea come what may though its people brand it as the cause of disasters and monster of war, the commentary says, and notes:

What is more disgusting is that the puppet group, not content with the above-said tour by their master, are working hard to calm down the public anger by talking about the third site for THAAD deployment and survey of it.

What the south Korean people are now demanding is not the choice of the third site. The fate of the south Korean people is at stake regardless of where THAAD is deployed. Accordingly, they are unanimous in demanding the cancellation of the plan for deploying THAAD in south Korea.

People's mindset represents the will of Heaven.

The traitors are bound to meet a sudden disaster.

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