calendar>>August 16. 2016 Juche 105
Spokesman for CPRC Lashes out at Park Geun Hye for Her Invectives against DPRK
Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Country of the DPRK released a statement on Tuesday denouncing Park Geun Hye of south Korea for spouting invectives stunning the public at home and abroad in her "address" on Monday.

What Park spouted in her "address" are peppered with impudent remarks for covering up the crimes she committed by turning south Korea into an unheard-of veritable hell of confusion, conflict and illegality through her corrupt and incompetent rule of treachery and driving the inter-Korean relations into a catastrophe, the statement said, and went on:

Park, a colonial servant getting desperate in putting pressure on the DPRK pursuant to the U.S. war moves against it, took issue with it over its nuclear deterrent, a treasured sword of justice for protecting the destiny of the nation and preserving peace on the Korean peninsula, while putting under the carpet the crimes committed by her group.

This is, indeed, preposterous.

This time, Park again termed her regime's reckless moves for deploying THAAD in the face of strong criticism by the public at home and abroad a "step for the right to self-defense." This is just a lame excuse and she should know that no one will be taken in by such sophism of a puppet that can do nothing without an approval of her U.S. master.

Park, who is chiefly to blame for reducing south Korea to a tundra of democracy, civil rights and people's livelihood, malignantly pulled up the DPRK where all dreams and ideals of the people are coming true on the people-first principle. This is no more than nonsense talked by a psychopath.

Unpardonable is that Park openly revealed her wild dream for "unification through absorption", not content with crying out for getting rid of "terror" for peace on the Korean peninsula and the future of the nation. She was so impudent as to ask others to join in "the effort for ushering in the era of unification" desired by her.

If she, a traitor barely prolonging her remaining days by kowtowing to the U.S., pursues the wild dream of "unification through absorption", daring seek to topple down the DPRK, the DPRK will clearly show her what style reunification it will achieve to realize the desire of all Koreans for reunification before the end of her dirty life.

It is a tragedy and disgrace to the nation that such hideous confrontation maniacs as Park go with impunity only to bring misfortune and disaster to all Koreans.

If such traitors as Park go scot-free, misfortune and pain of the south Korean people will get worse and all compatriots will never evade the disaster of a nuclear war, and when the outside forces and pro-U.S., pro-Japanese traitors are eliminated at an early date, the day of the complete liberation of the country-the independent reunification will be hastened.

This is the conclusion drawn by the DPRK again.

Traitor Park should bear in mind that her desperate moves to escape ruin through awful tongue-lashing and reckless confrontation will only precipitate the miserable end of her fate, cursed and censured by all Koreans.

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