calendar>>August 16. 2016 Juche 105
Peerlessly Great Men of Mt. Paektu Praised by German Body
Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- There took place a seminar on the exploits of President Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un by the Franken Group for the Study of the Juche Idea of Germany on August 11 on the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation and the Day of Songun.

The chief of the group said that Kim Il Sung put an end to the colonial rule by the Japanese imperialists and achieved the historic cause of liberation of Korea 71 years ago.

He said after Kim Jong Il started his Songun revolutionary leadership 56 years ago, he strengthened the military capability in every way, turning the DPRK into a political and ideological power and a military power.

He went on:

Now the U.S. and its followers are desperately trying to stifle those countries disobedient to them. However, they dare not bring down the DPRK, a country possessed of powerful nuclear deterrence.

The DPRK is the only independent state in the world as it is firmly protecting the sovereignty and dignity of the country and nation, bravely standing against the U.S.

Thanks to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un the DPRK is further demonstrating its might as a socialist power independent in politics, self-supporting in economy and self-reliant in national defence as wished by the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

Under his leadership the Korean people will surely achieve the independent reunification of the country.

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