calendar>>August 16. 2016 Juche 105
Korea's Liberation Day Marked by Myanmar Personage
Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- Tin Tun, director of the Myanmar Medical Research Institute, made public a statement on August 11.

Extending sincere congratulations to the Korean people on the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation, the statement said:

Under the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung the Korean people achieved the historic cause of liberation of the country on August 15, 1945.

Thanks to him Korea was liberated and the Korean nation brought about a radical turn in its destiny.

His cause was successfully carried forward by H.E. Kim Jong Il and it is steadily carried forward by H.E. Kim Jong Un.

The Korean people will win a great victory in the building of a socialist power and the struggle for national reunification under the wise leadership of H.E. Kim Jong Un who is successfully carrying forward the idea and cause of President Kim Il Sung and H.E. Kim Jong Il.

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