calendar>>August 15. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung's National Liberation Exploits Lauded by Romanian Political Party
Pyongyang, August 15 (KCNA) -- The New Socialist Party of Romania posted an article on the website "The Juche Idea" on Aug. 9 on the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation.

The article said that President Kim Il Sung, founding father of socialist Korea, accomplished the historic cause of national liberation, and went on:

The President who embarked upon the road of revolution in his teens to liberate the country set forth the line of armed struggle at the Kalun Meeting in 1930.

As he set forth the line of achieving the country's liberation by one's own efforts, not by others' help, and in the method of armed struggle, not in a peaceful way, on the basis of the Juche idea and Songun idea, the national liberation struggle of Korea could confidently advance along the scientific and correct road.

He founded the Korean People's Revolutionary Army on April 25, 1932 and strengthened the revolutionary army and founded the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland in May, 1936 to unite the masses of various circles around it.

Thanks to the founding of the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland, all the anti-Japanese and patriotic forces of Korea could further expand the struggle for national liberation, united close under the one banner.

He organized the final attack operation for Korea's liberation and defeated the Japanese imperialists on Aug. 15, 1945, liberating the country.

The exploits of him who liberated Korea with his Songun leadership will shine long in the world history of the anti-imperialist national liberation struggle.

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