calendar>>August 13. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Denounced for Its Persistent Moves for THAAD Deployment
Pyongyang, August 13 (KCNA) -- The south Korean measure committee against THAAD deployment held a news conference11 in Seoul on August in protest against the south Korea visit by the director of the Missile Defense Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense.

The organization in a press release said the south Korea visit by the director shows how desperately the U.S. tries to calm down the strong opposition of the south Korean people and deploy THAAD in south Korea.

It recalled that the director said THAAD is not efficient for defending south Korea but it is to protect the U.S. mainland.

It strongly denounced the U.S. for working hard to deploy THAAD in south Korea despite opposition of the south Korean people.

The struggle of the Songju County people represents the stand of all the south Korean people opposing THAAD deployment, the press release noted, demanding the U.S. and the south Korean authorities stop at once the moves for THAAD deployment.

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