calendar>>August 13. 2016 Juche 105
Nature Museum in Pyongyang
Pyongyang, August 13 (KCNA) -- Thousands of people visit the Nature Museum newly built at the foot of Mt. Taesong in Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, on a daily average.

The four-storied museum, another gift provided by the Workers' Party of Korea to the people, is a modern mass educational and science research and dissemination base and leisure complex.

Hanging on its front wall is a mark depicting dinosaur. The museum houses at least 31,000 exhibits of over 3,800 kinds to show all levels of the evolutionary ladder in a visual, 3D and panoramic way.

On its first floor are atrium, where model frameworks of three dinosaurs and model pterosaurs representing the Mesozoic age are exhibited, the Space Hall, Paleozoic Hall and Dinosaur Park through which visitors can get broad knowledge about solar system and the earth in correlation with the origin of life.

Seen on the second and third floors are the Animal Hall and Plant Hall.

The Animal Hall is divided into four areas--animal classification area, animal ecology area, animal-human life area and animal diversity protection area.

Exhibited at the Plant Hall are typical plants and natural monuments of Korea and other countries.

There are a sci-tech disseminating room, e-library, rooms for research into animals, plants and extinct organisms, etc. on the fourth floor.

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