calendar>>August 13. 2016 Juche 105
Tradition of Literature and Art Created during Anti-Japanese Revolutionary Struggle
Pyongyang, August 13 (KCNA) -- Eighty years has passed since the revolutionary drama "The Sea of Blood" was premiered at Manjiang, China during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.

The drama holds an important place among masterpieces created by President Kim Il Sung during the struggle.

It discloses the massacre the Japanese imperialists committed against the Korean people and shows how the heroine was gradually awakened to come out in the revolutionary struggle.

At that time, the drama inspired the popular masses to the anti-Japanese struggle with extreme influence and appeal.

Looking back upon that time, President Kim Il Sung wrote in his reminiscences "With the Century" as follows:

"The ideas and emotions of the revolutionary army flowed, like the stream of Manjiang, into the brains, hearts and lungs of the people through the performance of The Sea of Blood.

I can say, in short, that the art of the period of the anti-Japanese revolution acted as a light, which dispelled darkness as well as drum beats, rousing people to fight."

Regarding it as his constant view that a single excellent poem, drama and novel can stir up the hearts of all people, the President created many masterpieces like revolutionary dramas "The Mountain Shrine" and "A Letter from a Daughter" and "Song of Anti-Japanese War" to imbue guerrillas and people with enmity against the Japanese imperialists and ardent patriotism.

Based on the tradition of literature and art created during the bloody anti-Japanese armed struggle, leader Kim Jong Il ushered in a great heyday of Juche-oriented literary and artistic development.

Under his wise leadership, a revolutionary drama "The Sea of Blood" was adapted for a revolutionary film in Juche 58(1969), for a revolutionary opera in 1971 and for a revolutionary novel in 1973 and a number of "The Sea of Blood"-type revolutionary operas had been produced.

Thanks to the brilliant tradition of literature and art created in the flames of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, the Juche-oriented literature and art highly prove their vitality in the grandiose struggle for building a socialist power.

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