calendar>>August 13. 2016 Juche 105
S. Koreans Call for Repeal of Humiliating "Agreement" with Japan
Pyongyang, August 13 (KCNA) -- Taejon citizens of south Korea held a Wednesday rally on Aug. 10 in demand of a right solution to the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army, according to Tongil News of south Korea.

Even children know that Japan's sincere apology to victims of the sexual slavery is a key to the solution to the issue of sexual slavery but the south Korean regime and the Japanese government are ignorant of it, speakers noted, adding:

Though Japan failed to make an apology and victims didn't pardon it, the regime concluded a humiliating "agreement" with Japan and established the "reconciliation and recovery fund."

The speakers queried for whom such "agreement" and "fund" are necessary.

They demanded the scrapping of the "agreement" and dissolution of the "fund."

We will struggle and defend the girl statue until Japan makes an official acknowledgement and apology for the sexual slavery, they added.

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