calendar>>August 13. 2016 Juche 105
Preemptive Nuclear Strike Is Not Monopoly of U.S.: KCNA Commentary
Pyongyang, August 13 (KCNA) -- The U.S. attempt to invade the DPRK is getting evermore reckless.

While ceaselessly shipping nuclear strategic assets into the Korean peninsula, it forward-deployed four B-1Bs and three B-2As on Guam on Aug. 6 and 9. So, three missions of the U.S. strategic bombers including B-52, B-1B and B-2A have been deployed simultaneously for the first time.

The U.S. warmongers blustered that their forward-deployment of B-1Bs on Guam would enable them to make a preemptive nuclear strike at the DPRK through a surprise flying over the Korean peninsula only in two hours.

Moreover, they unhesitatingly let loose a spate of provocative remarks that the nuclear strategic bombers' forward-deployment implies the "advance warning" against the DPRK.

The U.S. evermore undisguised reinforcement of the nuclear force goes to clearly prove that it is trying to make a preemptive nuclear strike at the DPRK a fait accompli.

Guam, the U.S. strategic vantage point capable of supporting strategic weapons to the Korean peninsula and the Northeast Asian region in a few hours in contingency, is an advanced base for invading the DPRK and now it has the THAAD battery to be deployed in south Korea.

The U.S. forward-deployed B-1Bs and B-2As one after another on Guam, where it used to permanently station only B-52Hs so far, after it decided to deploy THAAD in south Korea. It is part of its scenario to invade the DPRK to put the DPRK under its militarily control at any cost through mobilization of all its lethal hardware for a nuclear war.

The hard reality in which the Korean peninsula is turning into a nuclear war theatre by the U.S. eloquently shows how impudent the U.S.-touted "denuclearization" and "world without nuclear weapons" are.

Just indeed are the DPRK's measures for bolstering up its nuclear weapons to cope with the U.S. and its followers' reckless rackets for nuclear threats.

Today the DPRK which emerged as a nuclear weapons state in the East is pressing the U.S. with its powerful military muscle.

The right to make a preemptive nuclear strike is not the monopoly of the U.S.

The DPRK's revolutionary armed forces switched from their existing mode of military counter-action to the mode of a preemptive strike to cope with the enemy's ridiculous military hysteria to undermine its sovereignty and right to existence. All their operational groups are fully ready to deal a merciless and annihilating blow to the enemy if they make even the slightest provocation.

The Korean People's Army is closely following the U.S. unusual military move.

The U.S. had better stop acting rashly.

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