calendar>>August 13. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung's Exploits Performed for Liberating Country Lauded
Pyongyang, August 13 (KCNA) -- Jo Il Min, chief of the Pyongyang Mission of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front, was interviewed by KCNA on Saturday on the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation.

Jo said that Aug. 15 is a historic day when the destiny of the country and compatriots was saved from the Japanese imperialists' colonial rule and a fresh chapter of national prosperity was opened.

He went on:

Today when the nation of the sun is demonstrating its dignity and honor far and wide, all compatriots are keenly realizing what great exploits President Kim Il Sung, benefactor of national resurrection and peerless patriot, performed by liberating the country.

Looking back upon history, the Korean nation's sovereignty and three thousand-ri land were usurped and were in the danger of losing their mother tongue and their own names by the Japanese imperialists.

Koreans lamented over the ruined country, stood against the Japanese imperialists through the March First Popular Uprising and waged a volunteers' struggle and petitioned for independence but they were only subject to the invaders' brutal crackdown and cold-shouldered by big powers.

It was none other than the great President Kim Il Sung who declared an all-out war against the Japanese imperialists with the great intention to liberate the country at the time of national sufferings.

He made long journeys for bloody battles against the Japanese imperialists while undergoing all sorts of hardships for several decades since he got out of the brushwood gate of his house in Mangyongdae in his teens with his solemn resolution not to come back home unless Korea is liberated.

But for the leadership of Kim Il Sung the Korean nation would not have been able to escape the destiny as the miserable slaves deprived of its bloodline, language, history and culture.

He was, indeed, the benefactor of the national resurrection and founding father of socialist Korea.

His glorious history of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle and immortal exploits performed by him for liberating the country will last forever.

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