calendar>>August 12. 2016 Juche 105
"Reminiscences of Participants in Fatherland Liberation War" Vol. 2 Published
Pyongyang, August 12 (KCNA) -- The Workers' Party of Korea Publishing House brought out Vol. 2 of the book "Reminiscences of Participants in the Fatherland Liberation War."

The book carries 19 reminiscences telling the stories about the exploits President Kim Il Sung performed by leading the hard-fought Fatherland Liberation War to victory and the fighting spirit displayed by the service personnel and people of the DPRK and the heroic feats they performed by fighting for the country at the cost of their lives.

Reminiscences entitled "Turning Adversity into Favorable Conditions" tells the story that the President put forward strategic policies to provide a turning phase in the war and overcame the harsh ordeals of the country with warm love and trust in soldiers.

Reminiscences "During Days of Armistice Talks" written like a diary recounts the story that the President victoriously led the armistice talks to victory with matchless courage and guts and brilliant political and military wisdom.

"Something More Fearful than Death," "There Would Not Be an Inch of Land to Yield to Enemy" and other reminiscences impressively tell about the Korean People's Army soldiers who bravely fought against the enemies true to the order of the supreme commander not to pardon the aggressors but wipe out them to the last one in the country.

The book also contains reminiscences telling stories about the struggle of political workers dispatched by the President to the liberated areas of south Korea and the struggle of educators to teach children even in the flames of the war.

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