calendar>>August 12. 2016 Juche 105
Signature-campaign under Way in Protest against Deployment of THAAD
Pyongyang, August 12 (KCNA) -- A signature-campaign is now under way in the U.S. and abroad, urging the U.S. administration to retract its decision for deploying THAAD in south Korea, according to the south Korean News 1.

As of Wednesday, more than 103 250 persons took part in the campaign which started through a website of the White House on July 15.

The sponsor of the campaign said that the U.S. and south Korean authorities decided to deploy THAAD in south Korea despite the south Korean people's strong protest, adding that their decision would escalate the tension on the Korean peninsula and in its vicinity.

He stressed that now is the time to ensure lasting peace on the Korean peninsula and in its vicinity through negotiations.

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