calendar>>August 7. 2016 Juche 105
70th Anniversary of National Symphony Orchestra Marked
Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- The National Symphony Orchestra marked its 70th founding anniversary in the DPRK.

The orchestra was founded by President Kim Il Sung as the first art organization of liberated Korea on August 8, Juche 35 (1946). It has developed into a prestigious art organization created by leader Kim Jong Il as the world level symphony orchestra and an art group representing the DPRK by playing an important role in developing Juche-based orchestra and music art.

Over the past seven decades since it declared its founding with its premiere of immortal revolutionary hymn "Song of General Kim Il Sung", the orchestra has powerfully promoted the advance of the DPRK, remaining loyal to the guidance of the party and the great leaders through revolutionary creative activities and the production of famous works representing the times.

It has aroused the masses' revolutionary enthusiasm and patriotic devotion by creating and performing symphonies and orchestral music of diverse themes with rich ideological contents and high artistry in each annul of the revolution and created and represented monumental works such as serial symphonies "Song to the Party" and thus contributed to conveying to posterity the revolutionary history of the great leaders and the history of struggle of the DPRK.

There took place a meeting marking the 70th anniversary of the National Symphony Orchestra at the National Theatre on Sunday.

Present there were Kim Ki Nam, vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), Pak Chun Nam, minister of Culture, officials concerned and creators, artistes and employees of the National Symphony Orchestra and central art organizations.

A congratulatory message of the Central Committee of the WPK was conveyed to the creators and artistes of the National Symphony Orchestra at the meeting.

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