calendar>>August 7. 2016 Juche 105
Korean Social Scientists in Japan Flail THAAD Deployment in South Korea
Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- Ri Yong Su, chairman of the Korean Social Scientists Association in Japan, released a statement on Aug. 4 lambasting the Park Geun Hye group's moves to deploy THAAD in south Korea.

The deployment of THAAD in south Korea is a treacherous act that leaves the destiny of the nation to the tender mercy of the U.S., which seeks to secure military edge in Asia-Pacific, prompted by the vicious intention to bring down the DPRK and carry out the wild dream of "unification through absorption", the statement said, and continued:

The Korean Social Scientists Association in Japan condemns the Park Geun Hye regime for turning south Korea into the biggest theatre of a nuclear war and selling the dignity and interests of the country and nation to the outsiders, labeling this pro-U.S. act as the indelible act of treachery.

The THAAD deployment is a last-ditch effort of the U.S. to retain its supremacy at any cost in a bid to dominate the world.

Traitor Park Geun Hye is making desperate efforts to get rid of the ruling crisis and realize the daydream to stifle the fellow countrymen in the north by selling off the national interests to the U.S. master but she can hardly escape its final ruin as is the case with the U.S.

Stern punishment by history awaits the U.S. and Park Geun Hye.

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