calendar>>August 7. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Raps S. Korean Regime's Ridiculous Diplomacy for Soliciting Foreign Cooperation
Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- Jo Thae Yong, first vice-chief of the security office of Chongwadae in south Korea, recently made U.S. junket under the pretext of attending the third south Korea-U.S. high- level strategic meeting. He clung tightly to the coattail of the American master, imploring for the "international community's sustainable and efficient sanctions against the north."

Meanwhile, brass hats of the south Korean puppet military traveled several countries to solicit cooperation in putting military pressure upon the north over its "nuclear threat and provocation."

Rodong Sinmun Sunday in a commentary ridicules this as a desperate effort of the fools who repeat their vices, unaware of where they stand at present.

The Park Geun Hye group is conducting such zealous solicitation diplomacy, clutching the sleeves of foreign forces in a bid to stifle the compatriots in the north, still unaware of the miserable doom fast approaching, but this will get it nowhere.

The south Korean puppet forces will never be pardoned for trying hard to force the DPRK to dismantle the self-defensive nuclear deterrence, dignity and pride of the Korean nation, with the backing of the outside forces, and realize the ambition for invading it but they will have to pay dearly for this crime.

Though they ran wild to stifle the DPRK as lackeys for implementing the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK, they have not blocked the DPRK dynamically advancing by dint of single-minded unity under the banner of Songun.

They had better stop such folly as wasting time with ridiculous charades and defaming themselves and wait for the stern punishment by history. This is our advice.

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