calendar>>August 7. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung Remembered in Ulan Bator
Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- A remembrance meeting took place in Ulan Bator on Aug. 1 on the 60th anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's visit to Mongolia.

Displayed at the venue were works of President Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un, books introducing the DPRK and immortal flower Kimjongilias in full bloom.

Present at the meeting were figures of the Mongolian Kimjongilia Association, J. Sambuu Herders Development Fund of Mongolia, the Mongolian Mt. Paektu Association for Independent Development and the Mongolian Centre for the Study of Juche and masses.

Recollecting the deep loving care the President showed for the family of the chairman of the Mongolian Kimjongilia Association, he renewed his will to widely cultivate Kimjongilias, eternal symbol of friendship between Mongolia and DPRK, hold Kimjongilia exhibitions with greater splendor and introduce the undying exploits of the President among Mongolians.

The president of the J. Sambuu Herders Development Fund of Mongolia said the Mongolian people praise Kim Il Sung as an ordinary and modest man who brought only well-being to people.

He praised Kim Il Sung for performing great exploits for the development of friendship between Mongolia and the DPRK.

He said he would work hard for the development of the bilateral friendly relations.

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