calendar>>August 6. 2016 Juche 105
Actions of Koreans in U.S. against THAAD Deployment Unabated
Pyongyang, August 6 (KCNA) -- Koreans in the U.S. are staging strong actions against the U.S. and the south Korean regime's decision to deploy THAAD in south Korea, a factor of wrecking peace and escalating military tensions on the Korean peninsula, according to the south Korean internet newspaper Voice of People.

They started a signature campaign demanding the withdrawal of the deployment plan through the White House internet homepage on July 15.

In their petition they said the decision on THAAD deployment made despite strong opposition of the south Korean people will escalate the tension in Northeast Asia, rattle the nerves of the north and spark off arms race.

Now is the time to defuse tension through negotiations for peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the region, they said, urging the U.S. and south Korean authorities to cancel the decision on THAAD deployment.

They went on:

As of August 4 at least 55 000 people joined in the signature campaign which will last until August 14. The number is on the steady increase.

Inhabitants of Songju County, North Kyongsang Province of south Korea are staging a signature campaign, and civic and social bodies and opposition parties expressed their will to proactively join in the campaign.

The Songju Committee for Checking THAAD Deployment on August 1 sent emails containing open questionnaires concerning THAAD deployment to the U.S. presidential candidates.

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