calendar>>August 6. 2016 Juche 105
Monument to Great Victory in Pukgwan, Testimony to Japan's Vandalism
Pyongyang, August 6 (KCNA) -- The Japanese imperialists plundered many national cultural assets from Korea in the 20th century.

Among them is the Monument to the Great Victory in Pukgwan built in 1708 to convey the feats of a Hamgyong provincial volunteer army of Korea who defeated the Japanese aggressors during the Imjin Patriotic War (1592-1598).

Inscribed on the monument, 187 cm high, 66 cm wide and 13 cm thick, are more than 1,400 letters that tell about Japan's aggression on Korea and the activities of the Hamgyong provincial volunteer army against it.

This cultural property was robbed by the Japanese imperialists in 1905 and returned 100 years after to be placed on its original site (Rimmyong-ri, Kim Chaek City in North Hamgyong Province of the DPRK).

The monument serves as a witness not only telling about the righteous and indomitable Korean nation's history of struggles but also indicting the Japanese imperialists for their vandalism and plunder of historical sites and relics.

Steadfast is the Korean people's will to force Japan to pay for its past crimes without fail.

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