calendar>>August 6. 2016 Juche 105
Korean in Japan Protests against THAAD Deployment
Pyongyang, August 6 (KCNA) -- Ri Tong Je, chairman of the Association of Koreans in Japan for Peaceful Reunification, released a statement on Aug. 4 in protest against the anachronistic moves of the U.S. and the south Korean puppet regime to deploy THAAD in south Korea.

The south Korean puppet regime committed such act of treachery as deciding to introduce THAAD into south Korea despite public opposition and protest at home and abroad, the statement said.

The statement, reflecting the resentment of all members of the association, vehemently denounced the Park Geun Hye regime for blindly following the U.S. policy hostile to the DPRK and strategy to dominate the world, being utterly indifferent to the aspiration and desire of all Koreans.

Noting that the U.S. announced that it would kick off Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military drills, the statement said it is as clear as noonday that the situation on the Korean peninsula will be pushed to the brink of a war.

Japan's support for THAAD deployment can never be overlooked as it is rushing headlong to emerge a military giant at the prodding of the U.S., it noted.

It extended firm support and solidarity to the south Koreans in their just struggle for peace on the Korean peninsula.

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