calendar>>August 6. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Assails U.S. and Western Countries' Interference in Other Countries' Internal Affairs
Pyongyang, August 6 (KCNA) -- The U.S. and Japan are leaving no means untried to tarnish the image of the DPRK, asserting that it "does not guarantee the rights of its workers" abroad.

Shortly ago, a spokesperson for East Asian and Pacific Affairs of the U.S. Department of State claimed that the "money earned by workers of the DPRK abroad finds its way to the government of north Korea and this is being used exclusively for its illegal nuclear and missile programs" and such problem will be reflected in the sanctions against the DPRK.

Pursuant to its master's scenario, Japan, too, is working hard to seek the adoption of a "resolution" on forcing the DPRK to halt the dispatch of its workers to other countries.

It failed to include an item calling on foreign countries to prohibit the hiring of DPRK's workers in the UN Security Council "resolution" adopted in January. In the wake of the adoption of another UNSC "resolution" in March it got in touch with individual countries which are hiring workers of the DPRK in a bid to halt the hiring.

This is a reckless behavior of those hell-bent on pursuing a hostile policy toward the DPRK.

It has become common practice for countries to have exchange not only in funds and technology but also in manpower in their economic relations and so nobody can find fault with this.

The DPRK's workers dispatched to foreign countries on the voluntary principle according to the legitimate contracts with them are striving to develop the economy of their country and boost the external economic exchange under working and living conditions as required by international law and the DPRK's law.

The U.S. and Japan are peddling this normal economic exchange in the international arena, urging "relevant countries not to hire Korean workers" under the pretext of "human rights abuse." This is a wanton interference in their internal affairs as it seriously infringes upon other countries' sovereignty in order to achieve their sinister goals.

It is the U.S. and western countries that are now putting collective pressure upon those countries which maintain their unique system and political mode under the pretext of "human rights abuses" in quest of their unilateral interests irrelevant to human rights.

Countries' sovereignty is being violated and their national development seriously retarded worldwide owing to the hostile forces' vicious interference and moves for aggression under the pretext of "protecting human rights."

The DPRK's working people abroad and their families are now expressing irrepressible resentment at the U.S., Japan and other hostile forces spreading the fiction about "abuse of the rights of its workers abroad" for the purpose of increasing the pressure upon the DPRK over the issue of "human rights".

The "human rights standard" based on the American-style outlook on value can not be applied to the DPRK and it is absolutely unacceptable to use it for political purpose or as a precondition for exchange among countries and their development.

It is necessary to heighten vigilance against the U.S. and other hostile forces to realize its wild ambition for hegemony through pressure and aggression while internationalizing the "human rights issue" of other countries.

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