calendar>>August 6. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Slams Moves to Form U.S.-Japan-S. Korea Triangular Military Alliance
Pyongyang, August 6 (KCNA) -- Recently the U.S. decided to sell weapons including more than 240 ship-to-air missiles (SM-3) worth 820 million U.S. dollars to Japan. Timed to coincide with this, the U.S. made much fuss transferring a battery of PAC-3 of its forces in Japan to south Korea and staged a large joint minesweeping drill with Japan Maritime "Self-Defense Force".

Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Saturday says:

This is aimed at pushing the situation on the Korean peninsula to the worst phase in a bid to provide a legitimate pretext for the presence of the U.S. forces in Northeast Asia and arms-buildup and put spurs to the formation of the U.S., Japan and south Korea triangular military alliance.

The U.S. has long worked overtly and covertly to take an upper-hand of strength and military supremacy in Northeast Asia through the formation of the triangular military alliance and thus pressurize and contain the regional countries.

However, there are noticeable signs among regional countries expressing different views from the U.S. ones on a series of international matters, exercising their strong influences. A particular mention should be made of the fact that a dramatic change has taken place in the balance of force in the region as the DPRK proudly ranked itself among nuclear powers.

Much upset by this, the U.S. is seeking a way out in establishing the triangular military alliance and missile shield in a bid to tighten its supremacy. It is the real intention of the U.S. to establish the triangular military alliance, use it as lever and springboard and thus realize its ambition for domination over Asia and the rest of the world.

The U.S. would be well advised to think twice over the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by its reckless military tie-up and nexus with Japan and south Korea and behave itself.

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