calendar>>August 6. 2016 Juche 105
Chinese Paper Denounces Park Geun Hye Group for Deciding to Deploy THAAD in S. Korea
Pyongyang, August 6 (KCNA) -- The Chinese People's Daily on August 3 in an article titled "Deliberate intention to hurt China's security and interests is intolerable" denounced the Park Geun Hye group of south Korea for its foolish decision to introduce U.S. THAAD into south Korea.

The U.S. and south Korea claim the decision to deploy THAAD in south Korea is to cope with the "nuclear issue" of the DPRK, but their real intention is to destroy security structure in Northeast Asia, the article said, and went on:

Due to the decision on THAAD deployment, the support rate for Park Geun Hye is going down continuously in south Korea and its people strongly protest against the regime, saying that it sold off the interests of the country.

THAAD deployment brings no interest to south Korea, and China will never remain an onlooker to the issue.

If the U.S. and south Korea persist in their maneuvers, China and Russia will take a measure they can neither imagine nor control.

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