calendar>>August 6. 2016 Juche 105
Danger of Deployment of THAAD Warned by Chinese, Russian Experts
Pyongyang, August 6 (KCNA) -- Experts of China and Russia on military and political situation warned about consequences to be entailed by the U.S. deployment of THAAD in south Korea.

The vice-president of the Institute for International Studies of China said at an interview with the Phoenix Satellite TV Holdings LTD., Hong Kong, China that the south Korean authorities have adopted an imprudent stand the way of letting a wolf in, taking the lead in carrying out the U.S. Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy.

He went on:

The south Korean authorities put their security in more harm's way through the deployment of THAAD.

The only U.S. will benefit from the THAAD deployment but south Korea will lose everything.

It is as clear as noonday that south Korea will be the target of China and Russia in case of emergency.

The THAAD deployment in south Korea will cause serious consequences such as arms race and an increase of distrust in Northeast Asia.

A military expert of Russia said at an interview with internet news that the U.S. is trying to convince the public that the deployment of THAAD spawned by the "threat" from the DPRK but in fact it is pursued under the strategic plan targeting China.

The Russian expert said that relations between China and the U.S. will become very complicated in case the THAAD is deployed in the Asia-Pacific region, adding that Russia and China expressed strong concern over the U.S. moves and agreed to take closer and shared counteractions.

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