calendar>>August 6. 2016 Juche 105
War Victory Day Marked by Political Party, Organizations of Belarus
Pyongyang, August 6 (KCNA) -- The Communist Workers' Party of Belarus, the Belarus National Association of Friends of Korean People Named after Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and the National Social Federation "for the Union and Union's Communist Party" of Belarus made public a joint statement on July 13 to mark the 63rd anniversary of the victory of the Korean people in the Fatherland Liberation War.

The heroic Korean people defeated the U.S. imperialists in the Fatherland Liberation War under the guidance of President Kim Il Sung, the statement said, and went on:

The U.S. imperialists were forced to sign the Armistice Agreement after admitting their military defeat on July 27, 1953.

Since then much water has flown under the bridge, but the U.S. imperialists have refused to conclude a peace treaty with the DPRK and withdraw the U.S. forces from south Korea.

They have turned a deaf ear to the unanimous demand of the Korean people for an independent reunification of the country under the banner of national independence.

The U.S. imperialists are running high fever in their anti-DPRK psychological warfare while ceaselessly introducing war equipment into south Korea to realize the wild ambition for world domination.

They are staging large military drills on the ground, seas and in the air above south Korea to stifle the DPRK, far from disbanding the illegal "UN Command."

However, the DPRK is confidently advancing along the road of socialism of Juche under the leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who is successfully carrying forward the cause of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, the great leaders.

We warmly congratulate the Korean people on the 63rd anniversary of the victory in the great Fatherland Liberation War.

We call upon the world peace-loving people to fully support the struggle of the brave Korean people.

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