calendar>>August 6. 2016 Juche 105
German Body Urges South Korean Regime to Repatriate DPRK Citizens
Pyongyang, August 6 (KCNA) -- The Anti-Imperialist Forum of Germany sent a letter of protest to the south Korean puppet embassy in Berlin on Aug. 1.

The letter said:

We denounce the south Korean regime for committing such an inhumane act as abducting a group of the DPRK citizens.

This barbarity reveals the inhumane nature of the south Korean authorities.

The south Korean regime, which has resorted to smear campaign against the DPRK, makes no scruple of committing such medieval human rights abuse as abducting a group of the DPRK citizens.

The south Korean regime should not be let go scot-free as it turned down the request of the families of the abducted citizens for access to their beloved daughters.

We urge the south Korean regime to immediately repatriate the DPRK citizens to their country and families.

We bitterly condemn the south Korean regime's inhuman acts being committed despite its spurious signboard of "freedom, democracy and human rights".

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