calendar>>August 5. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Puppet Education Ministry's Propagation about THAAD Rejected
Pyongyang, August 5 (KCNA) -- Education offices across south Korea refused to execute the official document distributed by the Ministry of Education on THAAD deployment, according to Yonhap News of south Korea.

On July 24 the ministry in its official document instructed the city and provincial education offices to help the teaching staff, students and their parents properly understand the "guide to all people" related to the THAAD deployment made and distributed by the Ministry of Defense.

An official of the Seoul City Education Office on July 28 clarified his stand not to execute the official document, saying propaganda about THAAD is not just.

Earlier, the education offices in Kyonggi and North Jolla Provinces decided not to send the official document to schools.

Meanwhile, the south Korean Kangwon Provincial Education Office held that it wrongly sent the official document to primary, secondary and high schools by mistaking it for a manual for students' life.

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