calendar>>August 5. 2016 Juche 105
China News Service Denounces THAAD Deployment in S. Korea
Pyongyang, August 5 (KCNA) -- The China News Service posted an article opposing THAAD deployment in south Korea on July 31.

The article said:

The U.S. and the south Korean authorities recently decided to deploy THAAD in a U.S. military base in south Korea.

The U.S. and the south Korean authorities assert that the THAAD deployment is "not targeting the third country but is aimed to cope with the nuclear threat from north Korea." However, this will explicitly destroy the regional strategic balance only to face strong opposition from surrounding countries.

Illusion about THAAD that it would guarantee security will finally bring crisis to Northeast Asia and rouse doubt, vigilance and hostility of the regional countries, and the U.S. will only be forced to drink a bitter cup.

The decision on THAAD deployment which is regarded by the DPRK as a military provocation will lead to a series of strong counteraction and thus further threaten peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the region.

If China and Russia take countermeasures, thinking THAAD would destroy the regional strategic balance, it will have serious impact on peace and stability on the Korean peninsula.

A spokesperson for the Defense Ministry of China clarified that China will closely watch the maneuvers of the U.S. and south Korea and that it will take into account necessary steps to protect strategic security of the country and maintain the strategic balance in the region.

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