calendar>>August 5. 2016 Juche 105
Absurdity of THAAD Deployment in S. Korea Disclosed by Xinhua
Pyongyang, August 5 (KCNA) -- The Xinhua News Agency on July 30 referred to the absurdity of the U.S.-south Korea decision on the deployment of THAAD.

The south Korean regime should restrain itself from the dangerous saber-rattling such as THAAD deployment which wrecks the regional stability, Xinhua said.

The U.S. and south Korean regime alleged that the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (THAAD) to be deployed in south Korea doesn't target the third country but aims at coping with the "nuclear and missile threat" from the DPRK, Xinhua noted, and continued:

It is as clear as a pikestaff that the THAAD deployment will constitute a crucial phase in implementing the U.S. pivot to Asia strategy and escalate the tension in Northeast Asia, on the Korean peninsula, in particular.

It also betrays short-sighted and clumsy diplomatic judgment of the south Korean regime which blindly follows the U.S. though the former is well aware of the consequences of the THAAD deployment.

THAAD is good for nothing in the face of the DPRK's short-range missiles and artillery pieces.

It will only prompt the DPRK to take an offensive stand. The DPRK has already warned that it would take strong physical countermeasures.

Escalation of tension on the peninsula will be the bitterest legacy of the Park Geun Hye regime and the greatest misfortune to the Koreans as it will dash their hope for peace and national reunification.

The south Korean regime had better think twice whether it can be profited from the THAAD deployment and go through the dangerous measure again.

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