calendar>>August 2. 2016 Juche 105
National Reunification Institute's White Paper Recalls World Media Criticism of Park Geun Hye
Pyongyang, August 2 (KCNA) --The National Reunification Institute issued a white paper Tuesday dealing with the criticism of Park Geun Hye by media of various countries.

According to the white paper, VOA, the Wall Street Journal, the AP, BBC, Financial Times, AFP and other major media organizations in the West, commenting on Park Geun Hye's running for the 18th-term puppet presidential election as a candidate from the "Saenuri Party", reported that "dictator's daughter runs for presidency" and "dictator's daughter runs for presidential election".

With the puppet presidential election at hand, foreign news media repeatedly warned that if Park Geun Hye, daughter of military dictator who ruled south Korea in the 1960s-1970s, grabbed power, "yusin" dictatorship could revive.

When Park took the "presidency", the AP, the Bloomberg, the Washington Post, the New York Times and other media reported that "Park Chung-Hee dictatorial regime ended with assassination, Park Geun Hye returns to Chongwadae in 30 odd years", "The longest ruling dictator's daughter wins presidential election" and "results beyond expectation", expressing strong repugnancy and concern.

After the "presidential election" it was disclosed that Park Geun Hye took office by manipulating media with the mobilization of the Intelligence Service. The New York Times, the Washington Post, Le Monde, AFP and scores of world's media were unanimous in revealing that "the Intelligence Service, the Cyber Command, etc. spread more than 24 million twitters for the Park Geun Hye's election", "in the final analysis secret agents of the Intelligence Service helped the daughter of the dictator win the election" and "Park Geun Hye won with difficulty the competition with a candidate from an opposition party who won 48% support because of such a secret operation".

When Park resorted to a reckless act of disclosing the minutes of the north-south summit, being much upset by the voices critical of the her group's illegal election rigging, the Washington Times, Reuters, Asahi Shimbun and other media commented that "the disclosure of the south-north summit minutes, top-secret document, by the Park Geun Hye regime is a political and strategic attempt to divert elsewhere the attention of the public focused on its illegal election" and "the disclosure of the summit minutes is an illegal intervention in politics in violation of the commitment to the neutrality in politics".

When the Park group forcibly disbanded the United Progressive Party and cooked up Ri Sok Gi's attempted rebellion case and thus created an unprecedented terror-ridden atmosphere in south Korea, foreign media recalled that "Park Chung-Hee banned activities of political parties quite often in a bid to disband the National Assembly and political organizations and suppress opposition parties" and "Park Geun Hye's ruling mode bears striking resemblance to dictator Park Chung-Hee's".

The Park Geun Hye group's vicious crackdown on trade unions and media has become the target of censure and denunciation by the international community.

The MERS incident that occurred last year as well as the ferry Sewol sinking case in 2014 were hideous disasters that greatly shocked the south Korean society.

At that time Le Monde, Spiegel and other major media detailed facts that Park Geun Hye's whereabouts were not known for seven hours at a critical moment for putting the accident under control, the puppet authorities defaulted on rescuing the victims by dragging on time, adding that "the ferry Sewol disaster was not just a simple accident but the biggest man-caused disaster" and that "Park Geun Hye's attempt at shifting the responsibility on to the captain of Sewol was aimed at toning down criticism of the regime".

The Washington Post, Kyodo and other foreign media derided Park by commenting that "MERS outbreak in south Korea is a worldwide problem", "MERS incident points to a critical problem in the Park Geun Hye regime's ability of coping with crisis" and "a man-caused disaster attributable to the unripe and belated counteraction taken by the regime taking people's lives lightly".

Anti-Park Geun Hye and anti-"government" actions have been daily occurrences in south Korea ranging from the action for a probe into the truth behind illegal election in the early days of Park's office to actions against the privatization of railways and healthcare fields, the actions against opening of rice market, the actions against anti-north war exercises, the actions for a probe into the truth behind ferry Sewol disaster and general strike against retrogressive revision of the labor law.

Reporting these actions, foreign media denounced Park and her group for reducing south Korea to the world's worst hell, tundra of democracy and human rights and complete colony of the U.S.

International criticism and derision of the evil woman of Chongwadae, matchless fascist dictator and murderer and bete noire, found their vivid manifestation during the puppet National Assembly election this April.

The recent Park group's decision on deploying THAAD in south Korea after yielding to the U.S. pressure has driven traitor Park to a tight corner in the face of strong rebuff by countries around the Korean peninsula.

Not only media and experts in China, Russia and other neighboring countries but government authorities deplore the situation, saying that "retaliation is inevitable", "south Korea will be the first victim of strategic scramble for power" and "Park Geun Hye regime will be made to pay a dear price". Inside south Korea, such criticism as "Park Geun Hye regime was the first to get intercepted by THAAD deployment" and "miserable tragedy was brought about by humiliating diplomacy" is being heard.

The white paper said that all these facts are just a tip of iceberg of international criticism of traitor Park, stressing this clearly proves that Park Geun Hye is not only the worst trouble-maker of the nation but also root cause of misfortune common to humankind and dreg of history.

Evil woman of Chongwadae exposed to curse and denunciation by all the fellow countrymen and to derision and censure by the international community will only face a miserable ruin, concludes the white paper.

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