calendar>>August 2. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Accelerating Building of Powerful Socialist Country
Pyongyang, August 2 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in an editorial calls upon all Koreans to wage a more dynamic all-out onward drive for building a powerful socialist country while enshrining Kim Jong Il's patriotism as eternal soul and breath.

Kim Jong Il's patriotism is a precious mental legacy and example of practice he handed down to the Korean people, the editorial says, adding:

The on-going 200-day campaign is the grand advance of loyalty and a patriotic march all the service personnel and people are dynamically making to build a rich and powerful country by applying Kim Jong Il's patriotism.

Let us bring earlier the final victory in the drive for building a powerful socialist country by giving full play to Kim Jong Il's patriotism. This is the unshakable faith of the army and people of the DPRK.

To thoroughly apply Kim Jong Il's patriotism to the general advance is an important requirement for ushering in a new Mallima era and steadily creating legendary stories about heroes of Juche Korea.

Whoever has his or her heart burning with patriotism in the on-going general advance can become strong in mental power, work world-startling miracles and emerge a hero in the era.

Only when all service personnel and people steadily perform miracles and feats, racing against time at the Mallima speed, their hearts burning with Kim Jong Il's patriotism, an era of gigantic creation and dramatic changes will unfold on this land.

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