calendar>>August 2. 2016 Juche 105
Chinese TV on Reunification Issue of Korea
Pyongyang, August 2 (KCNA) -- The Phoenix Satellite TV Holdings LTD. in Hong Kong, China reported about a talk of its commentator on July 28 on the 63rd anniversary of the conclusion of the Korean Armistice Agreement (AA).

It said as follows:

July 27 is the 63rd anniversary of the AA.

On the anniversary the international community recalls the fierce Korean War 60-odd years ago.

The Korean peninsula, home to a homogeneous nation, still remains one of the world's powder magazine and biggest hotspot in the new century, too.

In view of the past and the present of the Korean peninsula, the current situation reminds the people of the eve of the Korean War 60-odd years ago.

The situation of the region is getting evermore tense and this arouses concern of the international community.

The homogeneous Korean nation has long suffered from separation and ardently hopes for reunification.

It is very crucial to defuse the tension and ensure lasting peace and security on the Korean peninsula as early as possible.

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