calendar>>August 1. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Confucianists Protest against THAAD Deployment
Pyongyang, August 1 (KCNA) -- Eight Confucianists bodies in Songju County, North Kyongsang Province of south Korea held a press conference in Seoul on July 27 opposing the decision of the regime to deploy THAAD.

An appeal demanding the retraction of the deployment plan was read out at the conference.

The unilateral decision made by sacrificing the people under the pretext of security cannot be overlooked, the appeal said, adding:

Songsan-ri, Songju County which was chosen as a site for THAAD is only 1.5 km from the township of the county and most of its residents are living near it. So it is giving rise to big uneasiness.

Stressing the need to preserve historical relics in the vicinity of the site, the appeal demanded the authorities immediately withdraw the plan.

Then, the bodies released an appeal to the people.

It urged the regime to inform the county headman within a week of the reason why the county was chosen as a site for THAAD, noting the decision is null and void as it was made without any briefing for the residents.

At the end of the conference, the organizations handed the appeal to a man concerned of Chongwadae.

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