calendar>>August 1. 2016 Juche 105
Pak Pong Ju Makes Field Surveys of Industrial Establishments in Areas of Pukchang, Tokchon
Pyongyang, August 1 (KCNA) -- DPRK Premier Pak Pong Ju made field surveys of major industrial establishments in the areas of Pukchang and Tokchon.

The premier visited the Pukchang Thermal Power Complex, Jenam and Namyang coal mines of the Tokchon Area Coal-Mining Complex to acquaint himself in detail with their production and the projects to increase their capacities.

There took place consultative meetings of officials concerned on the spots.

The meetings discussed the issues of operating generating equipment in full capacity, increasing coal production at cutting faces and pushing ahead with the projects to increase their capacities under a long-term plan.

They took the measures to enhance the roles of technicians and skilled workers, increase the rate of the automation of production processes and turn the relevant units into manpower-saving industrial establishments.

Meantime, the premier learned on the spot about the technical specifications of the new model 5-ton truck made by the Sungri Automobile Complex and discussed the orientation of its technical remodeling.

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