calendar>>August 1. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Ridicules Farce Staged by U.S., S. Korea on Day of Armistice
Pyongyang, August 1 (KCNA) -- The U.S. and south Korean puppet regime on July 27 held such funny charade as an "event marking the 63rd anniversaries of the Armistice Agreement and the UN forces' entry into the Korean war" in a bid to shake off the disgrace and ill-fame as losers.

Great irony was that the commander of the U.S. forces in south Korea with the cap of the commander of "UN forces," antiquity of history, on his head blustered at the event that the Armistice Agreement (AA) prevented the recurrence of the war and they have properly reacted to the sustainable provocations of the DPRK with the AA as a lever.

Right after his speech, the prime minister of the puppet regime of south Korea cried out for resolutely reacting to any provocation from the north, trumpeting about "a stringent security posture" and "close cooperation with the international community". He exactly looked like a running dog of a master.

Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Monday says:

What the American master and his local stooge uttered was intended to incite hostility toward the DPRK, keeping the ignominious defeat the U.S. and its vassal forces suffered in the war buried into oblivion, and thus put spurs to the moves to unleash a war against the DPRK.

It is just the U.S. and the puppet regime in the world that "commemorate" the shameful defeat and heavy casualties in the war.

They have been busy with the smear campaign to paint the defeat in the 1950s in the last century and the total failure of the hostile policy pursued towards the DPRK for several decades as "victory".

Their ulterior purpose is to ignite the second Korean war at any cost and seek revenge for their past defeat. However, it is no more than a chimera.

They managed to survive the Korean war after signing the surrender document, but they will meet a miserable end in the face of the merciless retaliatory strike of the revolutionary armed forces of Songun Korea, with no one left to sign the surrender document, once they start another war.

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