calendar>>August 1. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung's Exploits Praised by German Organization
Pyongyang, August 1 (KCNA) -- An article titled "Invincible and iron-willed commander" was posted by the Anti-Imperialist Forum of Germany on its website on July 27, the 63rd anniversary of the victory of the Korean people in the great Fatherland Liberation War.

The article said:

The Fatherland Liberation War was a fierce one between the young DPRK on one side and the U.S. which had a 100-odd-year long history of aggression and which boasted of being "the strongest" in the world and its15 satellites, the south Korean puppet army and the remnants of the Imperial Japanese Army on the other side.

Comrade Kim Il Sung advanced the scientific and original military idea for war victory on the principle that the servicemen and popular masses are the masters in fighting a war.

He took the initiative with the outstanding commanding art and original tactics in the whole period of war and led all operations and battles to victory.

The great Fatherland Liberation War ended with the shining victory of the DPRK thanks to Comrade Kim Il Sung, an invincible and iron-willed commander.

The immortal exploits for war victory performed by him will shine forever in history.

The Anti-Imperialist Forum of Germany opened the internet photo exhibition on the same day.

Photos of Kim Il Sung organizing and leading the Fatherland Liberation War to victory were posted by the organization on its website.

Also posted there were photos showing the struggle of the Korean army and people during the war and ones showing the U.S. imperialists and their followers that sustained defeat.

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