calendar>>July 31. 2016 Juche 105
Indomitable Revolutionary Fighter Kang Pan Sok
Pyongyang, July 31 (KCNA) -- Today marks the 84th anniversary of the demise of indomitable revolutionary fighter Kang Pan Sok, mother of President Kim Il Sung.

On this occasion, the DPRK people recollect with deep emotion the immortal feats she performed in pioneering a new era of the Korean revolution.

She devoted her all to bringing up Kim Il Sung as the hero of the nation and the leader of the revolution who would accomplish the cause of national liberation and build a new society for people in Korea.

She often climbed Mangyong Hill with her son and implanted patriotism in his mind. When his son wrote letters "Korea's Independence" with brush, she told him to achieve the independence of the country without fail.

True to the intention of her husband Kim Hyong Jik, an indomitable revolutionary fighter and outstanding leader of the anti-Japanese national liberation movement of Korea, she let her teen-age son embark on the 250-mile journey to experience the miserable life of the Korean people under the colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists.

She gave every possible assistance to the work of the Saenal Children's Union and the Anti-imperialist Youth League organized by Kim Il Sung.

She handed over two pistols, legacy of Kim Hyong Jik representing his firm will to liberate the country by fighting through generations, to Kim Il Sung and devoted herself to founding the first revolutionary armed force.

Thanks to her loving care and devoted efforts, the Korean people could acclaim Kim Il Sung as the great leader for the first time in history spanning thousands of years and under his leadership they could achieve the cause of national liberation and greet the heyday of prosperity.

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