calendar>>July 31. 2016 Juche 105
Release of Prisoners of Conscience Demanded in S. Korea
Pyongyang, July 31 (KCNA) -- 69 civic and social organizations of south Korea called a press conference in Seoul on July 28 in demand of the release of prisoners of conscience, according to the south Korean internet newspaper Tongil News. They included the Measure Committee of Civic and Public Organizations against Suppression under the Pretext of Security and the People's Solidarity for the Abolition of the "Security Law."

The speakers referred to Park Geun Hye's clarification of her will to grant special amnesty.

The people felt frustration and hatred whenever plutocrats were set free though they were convicted of scandals, they deplored.

They demanded the release of all prisoners of conscience including those charged with the involvement in the plotted rebellion, former members of the Korea Solidarity and the chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions.

Noting that whether Park Geun Hye can tide over the present crisis or not depends on how she grants special amnesty this time, they demanded she set free all prisoners of conscience and immediately repeal all the laws against human rights including the "Security Law."

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