calendar>>July 31. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Slams Park Geun Hye Group for Begging for "Cooperation in Pressuring North"
Pyongyang, July 31 (KCNA) -- The Park Geun Hye group of south Korea is going beyond the tolerance limit in its persistent moves for soliciting "cooperation in pressuring the north", regarding it as the ultimate goal of diplomacy to stifle the compatriots.

Minju Joson Sunday observes this in a commentary.

It goes on:

At the ministerial meeting of the ASEAN Region Forum held in Laos, Yun Pyong Se, puppet minister of Foreign Affairs of south Korea, begged whoever he met for cooperation so that the "international community might send a strong message to the DPRK".

In order to properly solve the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula directly linked with global peace and security as desired by the Koreans and other people, the U.S. is required to roll back its hostile policy toward the DPRK, to begin with, as it has staged ceaseless madcap drills for a nuclear war against the latter every year.

This is a proper order in settling the nuclear issue of the peninsula.

That is why the international community is urging the U.S. to show its will to opt for realizing the denuclearization of the peninsula by taking a practical step to pull its war hardware and aggressor forces out of south Korea.

This being a hard reality, Yun ran the whole gamut of invectives in a bid to mislead the public opinion at home and abroad. This is no more than a desperate scream made by the traitor more dead than alive, taken aback by the daily rising dignity and might of the DPRK.

The south Korean puppet regime's confrontation with the compatriots in the north would only precipitate its self-destruction.

History will show how the Park Geun Hye group will meet its doom, cursed and condemned by the people for having cried out for confrontation and war in defiance of the proposal made by the north out of its good will and magnanimity.

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