calendar>>July 31. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung's Exploits Praised by Ecuadorian Figures
Pyongyang, July 31 (KCNA) -- A meeting and a film show took place in Guaranda City of Bolivar Province of Ecuador on July 22 on the 63rd anniversary of the victory of the Korean people in the Fatherland Liberation War.

Daniel Alvarez Celi, chairman of the Ecuadorian Committee for Supporting Korea's Independent and Peaceful Reunification, said in his speech:

July 27 is the day when the heroic Korean people and army achieved a great victory in the three-year long Fatherland Liberation War.

The shining victory of the Korean people in the war would be unthinkable without the outstanding leadership of President Kim Il Sung, a great statesman and legendary hero in the 20th century.

Thanks to his Juche-oriented military idea, war methods, extraordinary strategy and tactics and commanding art, the Korean people could show their dignity before the world as the heroic people who defeated the U.S. imperialists.

Julio Ballesteros Espin, chairman of the Ecuador-Guaranda Institute for Friendship and Cultural Solidarity with the Korean People, said that the Korean army and people could shatter to the smithereens the myth of the U.S. imperialism's "mightiness" in the Fatherland Liberation War under the leadership of the President, adding that they could frustrate the vicious moves of the U.S. imperialists and the international reactionaries to ignite a new war against the DPRK and socialism and reliably defend the sovereignty of the country and the gains of the revolution.

The participants watched Korean films.

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