calendar>>July 30. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Ridicules Park Geun Hye Group
Pyongyang, July 30 (KCNA) -- The Park Geun Hye group of south Korea hardly managing its own family affairs acts recklessly even abroad, being unaware of where it stands, only to be detested by others.

During the recent ministerial meeting of the ASEAN Regional Forum, Yun Pyong Se, puppet minister of Foreign Affairs of south Korea, kowtowed to the U.S. taking issue with the DPRK over its nuclear deterrence for self-defense, only to become a laughing stock.

At a time when the danger of a new Cold War is increasing on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia due to the decision on THAAD deployment in south Korea and the neighboring countries are getting highly vigilant against this, he acted a spokesman for his master, blustering that "THAAD is a defense means for coping with the threat form North Korea and is never targeted against the third country."

Far from answering the question about the issue of the retraction of the decision on THAAD deployment the neighboring countries are concerned about, he asked them to "keep cooperation to send resolute signal to North Korea that its nuclear development cannot be tolerated" and claimed that "if it continues provocation, it will be made to pay dearly for it." He went the lengths of trying to create impression that south Korea would play a certain role in Northeast Asia where the scramble for hegemony is getting serious.

Irony is that though the south Korean puppet forces worked heart and soul with such base acts, they got cold shoulder from neighboring countries, far from getting recognition.

Conveying the news, even media ridiculed Yun Pyong Se as one who was little different from a man in a deck as he was queried what step south Korea is going to take as regards the demand of the retraction of the decision on THAAD deployment and whether south Korea can declare the decision null and void, being told that south Korea would be well advised to sincerely react to the just and reasonable concern of China and ponder over it. This is the inescapable fate of the stooge.

THAAD deployment in south Korea has long been pushed forward as demanded by its master whether it is wanted by the south Korean puppet forces or not. As residents in Songju County claim, preparations such as the laying of electric wires have been made in the area long before the decision on THAAD deployment was announced.

The delayed announcement was just deception.

As seen above, "diplomacy" pursued by the puppet regime which talked much about dichotomy whereby it depends on the U.S. for "security" and attaches importance on China for economy is bound to end in failure.

It is too natural that even media of south Korea, commenting on the "diplomacy", said that there are feelings of crisis that south Korea-China relations plunged into a quagmire after ten months of "the Tiananmen platform diplomacy" pursued by Park Geun Hye and that "northern diplomacy" which has been cemented since 1990 seems to have been intercepted first by THAAD.

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